编者按:近年来,湖南升级传统产业、发展新兴产业,培育一批中小企业特色产业集群,产业集群成为湖南打造国家重要先进制造业高地的靓丽名片。 即日起,红网将向海内外介绍双峰县农机、邵东市打火机、新化县电子陶瓷、永兴县稀贵金属、益阳市赫山区铝电解电容器、浏阳市高端化学原料药、醴陵市陶瓷、汨罗市有色金属循环综合利用等8个国家中小企业特色产业集群,展示湖南县域高质量发展。 红网时刻新闻记者 杨柳 报道 小小的打火机虽然仅售“一元”,却助力邵东打造了全球最大的打火机生产基地。全球平均每10支销售的一次性打火机中,7支来自邵东。邵东打火机如今已跻身国家中小企业特色产业集群名单。 Although lighters cost merely “one yuan” each, they support Shaodong in building the world's largest lighter manufacturing base. On average, of every 10 disposable lighters sold globally, 7 come from Shaodong. Today, the lighter industry in Shaodong has been included in the list of the Distinctive Industrial Clusters of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China. 早在21世纪初,邵东便大规模承接沿海打火机产业转移,一路暴走,自此开启了它的全球贸易之旅。 As far back as the early 21st century, Shaodong experienced a large industrial transfer from coastal areas. Since then, it has gone full steam ahead in the lighter industry development and set off its global trade journey. 打火机产业深受成本浮动影响,极易转移生产地。为了控制成本,邵东开始向自动化、智能化为主的先进制造业发展。近10年来,邵东69家打火机龙头企业实现“机器换人”,打火机行业人均生产效率较十年前提升10倍以上。二十年多来,邵东的“一元”打火机一文未涨。 The lighter industry is deeply affected by the cost fluctuation and shifts its production sites once the cost rises. To reduce the cost, Shaodong stepped on the development of advanced manufacturing based on automation and intelligence. In the recent ten years, 69 industry-leading businesses in Shaodong managed to “replace workers with machines”. The per capita productivity is more than ten times higher than a decade ago. The price of a disposable lighter from Shaodong has been “one yuan” for over 20 years without a penny rise. 然而降本有限,为实现持续增长,邵东把目光转向了附加值更高的中高端打火机,并针对各国需求设计了不同特色产品,比如俄罗斯客户喜欢外观漂亮的;高端消费者偏好蓝色火焰的;欧洲买家倾向于选择带儿童安全锁的。就这样,邵东逐步打开国际市场。据统计,2022年邵东打火机出口数量达到35.2亿个,占同期全国打火机出口总量的50.1%,排名全国第一,出口遍布美国、俄罗斯、印度等100多个国家和地区。 However, the reduction has limits. To realize sustained economic growth, Shaodong turned its attention to mid-range and high-end lighters that have a higher added value and designed various products with features based on the different needs of countries from around the world. For example, Russians love products with exquisite appearance; well-heeled shoppers prefer blue flame lighters; and customers from Europe tend to buy lighters with a child safety lock. In this way, Shaodong gradually smooths the way for the international market. According to statistics, in 2022, Shaodong’s lighter exports reached 3.52 billion units, accounting for 50.1% of China’s total exports of its counterparts during the same period. Therefore, Shaodong became the largest exporter of China last year shipping goods to over 100 countries and regions, such as the United States, Russia, and India.